Potential customers may also apply for a free account if they meet the requirements set out in RD 164/2019, of 22 March, establishing a free basic payment account scheme for people in vulnerable situations or at risk of financial exclusion. To do so, they will sign a specific application form.
A customer is considered to be in a situation of special vulnerability or at risk of financial exclusion when:
a) Gross economic income, calculated annually and by household, does not exceed the following thresholds:
Three times the public income indicator for multiple effects of twelve payments, in force at the time the application is made in the case of persons not forming part of a household.
Three and a half times this indicator in the case of persons belonging to a household with fewer than four members.
Four times this indicator for households made up of four or more members which are recognised as large families in accordance with the regulations in force.
Four times this indicator for households including a person with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33% officially recognised by a ruling issued by the Institute for the Elderly and Social Services or the competent body of the autonomous communities.
b) There is no direct or indirect ownership, or any real right over real estate, excluding the main residence, or real ownership of commercial companies, by any of the members of the household.
c) Is a victim of trafficking or sexual exploitation, in which case he or she shall be exempted from the requirements of subparagraphs (a) and (b) above
These circumstances must be met by all account holders if there is more than one.
Furthermore, the documentation that the customer must provide and which will be necessary to prove the vulnerability will be:
a) Number of people making up the household, accreditation of which must be provided in the form of a family book or document accrediting registration as a domestic partner.
b) Receipt of income by the members of the household, accreditation of which must be provided by each of the members with one of the following documents:
Certificate of income and, where applicable, a certificate relating to the filing of Wealth Tax, issued by the State Tax Administration Agency or the competent body of the Autonomous Community, in relation to the last tax year.
Payroll evidence of last three months' salary earned.
Certificate issued by the managing body for unemployment benefits or subsidies, showing the monthly amount received in this regard.
Certificate accrediting social wages, minimum insertion income or similar social assistance aid granted by the autonomous communities and local entities.
In the case of self-employed workers, the certificate issued by the managing body stating the monthly amount received if receiving the severance benefit.
Where the above-mentioned documentation is not available, the customer must provide a report indicating the composition of the household or stating the eligibility for free access to a basic payment account, as the case may be. This report will be issued by the social services of the city council in which the customer is registered.
The recognition or refusal of the eligibility for a free account will be communicated to the customer within thirty days from the date on which the customer provides all the indicated documentation.